30 June 2007

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Let's Hope)

I got my free issue of Interweave Knits (Spring 2007) a few weeks ago in the mail. There were some pretty gorgeous projects, but I'm not at the point where I feel it's necessary to subscribe to a knitting magazine. I love knitting, and I am certainly a "knitter," (my recent fascination with the construction and stitch patterns of sweaters is a pretty keen clue), but I have enough other things taking up my time that I'm not one of those people who can pound out projects left and right. I do rather like the Dollar and a Half Cardigan, though. Maybe this winter I'll work up the courage to knit a sweater.

I have a horrible backlog of projects to post about. Really, it's disgusting. Maybe I'll get on that tomorrow (but only if I manage to get some good pictures of said projects; we'll see). In the meantime, I've been working on the Saturday Market Bag here and there. I've more or less finished the first panel of the bag itself (although I'm knitting one long panel, which I will then fold in half and sew up the sides). It's an easy knit, but I hate working with bulky needles, so progress has been slow.




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