20 December 2006

'Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.'

It's that Christmas time of year, and now that I have technically, although not officially, graduated with a B.A., I should have plenty of time to knit—right? Wrong! I have been staying with my parents in New York for the past few days, and have never had more than a half hour to myself. I have read one canto of Dante's Divine Comedy (which I had originally intended to finish, in its entirely, before Christmas), and I have knit two rows on Hedera. Two. Half of a repeat, done in the car on the way to the New York Aquarium, until I realized that knitting in the car is not like knitting on the train, and I was going to be ill soon enough if I continued.

I should have had Hedera done by now, really; I even brought an extra ball of yarn with me to start my third pair of socks—something simple, I was thinking, mindless, like a 2x2 or 3x1 rib. I would still really like to have Hedera done before Christmas. Right, sure. Luckily (and much to my dismay), my Christmas presents are going to be virtually non-existent until about a week after Christmas, thanks to Amazon. That is when my books will now be arriving (my mother is not happy), so the rush to finish Dante and run headlong back into the joys of Douglas Adams is no longer there. A shame, but it means Hedera will finally be getting the love she deserves, and I can go back to mindless ribbing just in time for our yearly visit to Pennsylvania.

There will probably not be pictures until I am back in New England anyway, sometime around the end of the month. In the interim, I wish you all the most pleasant of holiday seasons. Cheers,




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