03 November 2006

This just in: Socktoberfest celebrations postponed indefinitely

It's November, but no, my Socktoberfest socks are not yet complete. They were started before October anyway, so I don't feel too badly about it, and frankly this whole last-semester-of-my-undergraduate-collegiate-career/looking-for-a-job/trying-to-get-my-writing-career-off-the-ground thing tends to get in the way of my knitting time. Besides, they're my first pair of socks ever, and the journey has been fun. I'm going to make every effort to finish the heel flap and gusset this weekend between various papers that need to be written and books that need to be read. That way, when Monday comes, I can go back to knitting on busses and trains without having to worry about how many decrease rows I have left, and losing count, and all that nonsense.

In the meantime, enjoy your obligatory (and long-awaited) bunny photo:



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