15 September 2006

reality of the afghan

Now that classes are back in session and my free time and energy have plummeted, I have (unsurprisingly) realized that there is no way I am going to be able to finish this afghan in time. Of course, 'in time' is a relative phrase of sorts. I could put the monstrosity off until next Christmas, by which point I should obviously have no trouble getting it done.

Even that, of course, assumes that I can manage to bring myself to work on it often. I bought the yarn quite a while ago, while I was still a very new knitter. Now that I've gotten to play a little more with fiber, that awful acrylic very nearly makes my fingers bleed at the sight of it. Lion Brand's Homespun is splitty and awful---and I've been working the blanket on bamboo, which is way too sticky. I refuse to buy another pair of huge needles I'll never use for another project, but I am definitely becoming a metal-needle convert (thanks entirely to the KnitPicks line). In short, even if I didn't have all this work to do, managing to get myself to work on this thing has been painfully difficult.

I will finish it eventually, if only to get that yarn out of my face (I doubt there's anyone out there who'd be willing to buy it all off of me, and I refuse to just toss it). It's just going to take another season. In the meantime, I'll be entertaining myself with socks---the perfect, portable project for my suddenly busy life.

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