08 October 2006

ah, October, mums!

I've made a bit more progress on the jaywalkers---indeed, since this photo was taken, even---so I think that in a few more rounds I should finally be able to start the toe. It should be quite the adventure!

It looks to me as if the heel flap should have been longer (I guess I really do have big feet---but I'm only a size 8), but they feel fine, so I'm willing to leave it as-is, and I won't make any alterations for the second sock (lest they feel different on my feet, which would drive me bonkers).

In the meantime, I've cast on for the first hedera sock, as well. I think breaking up the pair will help keep me more interested in the second one of each set---but more importantly, I want to do the toe in the quiet of my apartment, so I needed a new travel project (I don't have another size 1 circ. to start the second jaywalker sock). I'm doing it in a deep red color, which I think will look really nice in the end. Pictures will come when I actually have something worthy of taking a picture of. :)

In the meantime, a breath of October---

Ah, mums. I love them so.

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